Is your thumb tired of
swiping? Try Inpairs!

Our Muslim matchmakers are here to take the pressure off, get to know you on a deeper level, and find you your perfect match.

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Our Process

Discover your journey with Inpairs

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Tell Us About You

Tell Us About You


Firstly you need to fill out the matchmaking forms (duh). We will send you a confirmation email once you’ve submitted everything and you’ve been entered in the pairing pool.

We have three parts to the matchmaking intake: A multiple choice form, a short answer form, and picture uploads. Everything here is absolutely confidential! Only our team will see your responses at this point in the process. Once you’re finished, you’ll get an email with your responses. This is how we’ll communicate with you.

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Take Your Time

Take Your Time


Not much to do here but vibe out until we drop the pairs. Double-check your profile to make sure you have everything filled out.

Not really much to do here at this point. Make sure your profile is up to date by editing it, things are looking nice, and you haven’t said anything too wild in your profile.

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This is the fun part for us. Our matchmakers go through your profile and your potential pair's profile to make sure you both are on the same wavelength.

Our proprietary (fancy) algorithm cross-references through everybody’s deal breakers, personalities, and religiousness. Then, our matchmakers go in and read each profile to find your best pair!

Ex. Mohamed fills out the form. After running our algorithm to generate the best possible pairings, he now has eight potential pairs. Our matchmakers will read through the eight women and pick the best pair of those eight.

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Perfect Match

Perfect Match


If you were paired, congrats! Y’all will have 24 hours to approve or reject the pair. There will be three waves so make sure you check every 24 hours.

You’ll get a text saying whether or not we found a pair for you. If we have not found a good pair for you, don’t worry, with more time and users we will try again and potentially find you a pair the following month! Our goal for now is to have pairs for 75% of users in our database.

If you both approve, you will have to respond by saying yes. If that happens, we will give y’all each other's phone numbers to get in touch! You both only get one pair per month, so you know the other person is giving you their full attention.

If one party declines, we will present you both with a second pair if we have one for you. The same process will happen if one party declines the second pair. If the third pair is rejected, we will try again the following month!

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Get to know

Get to know


We want this to work, so let us know if it is! We wouldn’t pair you if we didn’t think it was a good fit.

We hope that the first person you are connected with works out, but we get this isn’t a surefire process. If it doesn’t work out, we’re here for you next month.

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Explore for Meaningful Connections.

Embark on a meaningful journey of companionship with Inpairs Explore our platform to discover your ideal Muslim match and build lasting connections filled with shared values and love. Join today.

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